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So far pepperadmin has created 6 blog entries.

Federal Budget Wrap


-- By: Matt Carter Last night, the federal budget for 2017-18 was handed down by Scott Morrison. The deficit is projected at $29.4 billion for the coming year, but the treasurer has promised surplus of over $7 billion by 2020-21. Key takeaways include a $75 billion investment in national infrastructure projects, including the long-awaited second Sydney airport and funding for new rail and roads, particularly in Victoria and Western Australia. A six basis point levy on Australia’s five largest banks was also announced, which will raise over $6 billion over the budget and forward estimates. This levy, on items [...]

Federal Budget Wrap2017-07-27T02:28:10+10:00

Important Notice: Changes to the Aged Pension From 1 January


Assets test changes for pension payments, which are set to come into force on 1 January 2017, will vary the amount of entitlements for many Australian retirees. The announced changes by the federal government are increases to the asset test threshold. The assets test refers to the dollar amount of assets owned - outside of the family home, the value of the family home is exempt and not included when calculating personal wealth. Pension payments will not be affected if your assets are below the new thresholds. Table one: Full-pension thresholds: If your assets out-side of the family home are [...]

Important Notice: Changes to the Aged Pension From 1 January2017-07-27T02:28:20+10:00

The Right Property In The Right Location


-- By: Alex Waley Purchasing an investment property is a proven strategy for financial gain but the process does require careful consideration. Just like any other investment, quality and appropriateness are paramount to making the correct decision. As part of our holistic investment strategy, our current position is to invest in areas between 5-8km’s from the CBD, with a solid mix of infrastructure and amenity, good public transport options, diverse employment opportunities and suburbs with predicted population growth. In order to maximise your returns, there are a number areas and issues to consider when it comes to investing in property: •          [...]

The Right Property In The Right Location2017-07-27T02:28:31+10:00

Superannuation Reforms for 2017


Superannuation reforms have been passed, with the changes most likely commencing 1st July 2017. Key changes include: Reduction of concessional (pre-tax) contributions cap to $25,000 This reduction will be for all individuals regardless of age, from 1 July 2017. It was previously $30,000 for those under 49 in the previous year or $35,000 for those aged over 49 in the previous income year. Concessional contributions can include employer Superannuation Guarantee, salary sacrifice amounts and contributions claimed as deductions in personal tax returns. Allowing a catch up regime for super funds with a balance of $500,000 or less Members with low [...]

Superannuation Reforms for 20172017-07-27T02:28:41+10:00

Tips for EOFY


The end of the financial year is almost upon us, and while many of us will groan at the prospect of once again having to fill out the dreaded tax return, this point in the calendar does provide us with a useful reminder for a number of considerations for our financial wellbeing. Here are a few tips for you as we leave FY17 behind, and welcome FY18. Don't panic! … Check in with your goals. The halfway point of the calendar is a great opportunity to evaluate your progress with any financial goals you set at New Years’. Are your [...]

Tips for EOFY2017-07-27T02:28:48+10:00

A New Year, a New Financial You


-- By: Matt Carter January provides us with an opportunity to sit back and reflect on the year that has passed and the year ahead. Often this reflection is focused on personal finances, and what we can do to save and grow our wealth. To help this process, and to kick off the new year on a positive financial note, here are the three most commonly requested financial services that we receive every January. By paying a little extra attention to these, you will be better placed financially in 2017. 1. Tidy-up finances Overspending at Christmas is a familiar concern [...]

A New Year, a New Financial You2017-07-27T02:28:57+10:00
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